night owl or early bird?
I used to be a night owl. I love being up until late, writing, watching shows or tv. The night have something of comfortable for lonely people, the dark and the silence could be a good company but also the worst enemy. So many nights alone in my room in a good mood and loving that moments. And others nights wishing that the other day come quickly because my heart is so weak.
Unfortunately the future knock my door and I needed to start to be a early bird. I hate it, the days are longer and just hurts more and more. Is great see the sunlight enter in my room and warm it up during the spring and summer, hear the birds and feel all of it.
I prefered when I was a night owl because at least I will wake up late and is less hours to face the real world. Now is the opposite, but I'm trying being both, because each has it's advantages and disadvantages. I want to have the courage but wake up alone is heartbreaking and until I have some strength the hours feel like hell.
I'm a robot in my routine, my soft side is hidden for a fake smile that everything is fine. I'm trying make it real...